ZZZZZ . . . . .

God I'm getting old.
Real old.
So old that 10 pm sounds like a horribly late time that only hookers and drug addicts seem to enjoy.
What's happened to me?
So, my best friend is in town for a few days (YEAH!!!!) We've been best friends for 17+ years. Unfortunately, we only get to see each other a couple times of year as we live 600 miles apart. But this is one of those happy weeks we get to see each other.
But she's killing me.
And no, it's not on purpose. And no, she hasn't done anything bad at all.
It's because I'm old.
I'm actually doing things for a change instead of just get up, work crazy hours, eat, sleep again.
How dare she!
But seriously, although I'm exhausted, I'm having a blast. We have:
1. Been to NYC - Ground Zero, Century 21, Times Square, Mama Mia! and an amazing italian dinner. Hours up: 4:30 am to midnight.
2. Dinner at a delish local restaurant called Cabernet Cafe - I recommend it to anyone.
3. The local dinner movie theatre to see "In her Shoes" and eat and drink.
This in addition to me working 8 hour days (I've cut back a bit to spend more time with her).
And unfortunately, she's going home on Wednesday.
God, I'll miss her.
But I'll need two weeks to make up the sleep.
But, she is definitely well worth it; and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Although exhausting, it has been an amazing few days.
Zzzzzzzz . . . . .
Bean, good friends are always worth losing sleep for! Especially when they live 600 miles away and to paraphrase the old song, "Precious and few are the moments you two can share."
I remember that song, because unlike you, I truly AM old!
So, are you gonna answer my PM, or what?
niicelaady, at 2:10 AM
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