Oh to be Thankful!

Yes, it's Thanksgiving week; so the obligatory thankful blog. Sometimes it's tough to be too thankful when so much goes on in your life where you just feel like saying "huh?!?!?!?" But I'll give it a start:
1. I'm thankful my parents are coming to spend Thanksgiving with us for only 4 days and not more.
2. I'm thankful that I'm no longer sick from this nasty cold, viral thing Mr. Bean gave to me.
3. I'm thankful I got half of my Christmas presents wrapped and my parents are taking them with them so I save on postage.
4. I'm thankful my sister and brother in law live 12 hours away from me.
5. I'm thankful that I had appropriate regifts to give aforementioned sister and brother-in-law as their gifts to us are never appropriate.
6. I'm thankful that there is a place where I can order a turkey dinner that tastes really good and I don't have to cook it.
Well, that's about all I can think of right now - why don't you add some?
Welcome home, Bean! Hope you had a nice visit with the in-laws and the puppy. And I'm glad you're over the nasty viral thing; hope Mr. Bean is too.
What I'm thankful for? I could use up all your bandwidth on this!
I'm thankful that NiceDude still loves me despite all the crap I put him through.
I'm thankful that ALL my blood relatives are hours away. Nothing against them, it's just that I relate far better to the "family" I've chosen to be part of -- i.e., my friends. Which brings me to...
I'm EXTREMELY thankful to have found this incredible community of friends, who don't play stupid head games, use people or bullshit them. Even though living among such folks did leave me vulnerable to Toxic Jock Syndrome, because I wouldn't know a stupid head game or a line of bullshit if it bit me on the butt! Which brings me to ...
I'm thankful to be over TJS, at last, and to see the situation more clearly with each passing day.
I'm thankful to be far healthier than a woman my age who drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney has any right to be.
I'm thankful to be working full time again and able to pay my bills.
I'm thankful that my cats have gotten over their "thinking outside the box" episode. Commercial alert: If you have a cat or cats with litterbox issues, get Cat Attract litter. Miracle product!
I'm thankful to be in a new home and to have left most of the emotional baggage behind at the old one.
I'm thankful to know the fabulous Bean and to still have an in-person meeting to look forward to!
niicelaady, at 7:41 PM
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