2006 - The Year of Changes

Well, 2005 was okay - not great, but I survived it. In fact, I would love a bumper sticker that said "I survived 2005 and all I got was this lousy bumper sticker." So, in my opinion, 2006 can only get better.
There are many things I want to have happen in 2006 - debt free, kids, etc. Here's to hoping it all happens.
BTW, SNL sucked again this weekend - Scarlett what's her name sucked on it and read everything.
Please, someone, either get rid of the show, or make it funny. Is that so much to ask?
On the other hand, I finished the first season of "Wonder Woman" that I got last Christmas (I got the 2nd and 3rd season this past Christmas). Love, love, LOVE that show - it was my favorite show as a kid. I wanted to BE Wonder Woman. Even had the underoos. Now, it's just so bad, it's good. That Steve Trevor must have a lot of self esteem though, he keeps getting beat up and Wonder Woman keeps kicking ass for him. Some "war hero". Can't wait to see Seasons 2 and 3.
You know, maybe I should be like Wonder Woman and kick some ass for 2006.
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