Bean's World

Thursday, December 14, 2006

SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I know I promised a Paris trip report. And yes, I know it's been 2 and a 1/2 weeks since I last posted. And yes, I know you haven't gotten that promised trip report yet.

Well, too damned bad.

But seriously, I've just been really busy. Get back from Paris trip. CHECK. Catch up on work from that trip. CHECK. Have several pre-op doctor's appointments. CHECK. Have nurse bruise up almost the entire left arm trying to poke my vein FIVE MILLIONS TIMES. CHECK. Have surgery on 12/6/06. CHECK. Sleep off surgery in a drug induced state (mmmmm, morphine, mmmm), for three days. CHECK. Yell at doctors who think I need to be out of work for two weeks because of surgery and who didn't bother to tell me this until after the surgery was done. CHECK. Convince doctors it really is okay for me to go back to work the Monday after it happened. CHECK. Go back to work on said Monday (12/11/06) and try to catch up from work from the four days of work I missed b/c of surgery. CHECK.

So, as I said, I've been busy. And I'll continue to be busy b/c I'm now trying to catch up on Christmas as I'm behind. So this weekend will be a gift wrapping, cookie making, treat preparing frenzy.

So no trip report then either.

But I do promise you a long and extensive trip report will be on this blog no later than February 1, 2007. Until then, if I post here or there and it's not about Paris, just suck it up and enjoy.

So there.


  • Holy crap, girl! You went back to work FIVE DAYS after major abominable surgery? I felt ready to go back two weeks after mine (gallbladder, not laparoscopic, the old-fashioned way), and my doc told me I wasn't, I should stay out another week. I might feel fine but once I got back to my desk it would become apparent that I needed more rest. So I took that extra week.

    I am THRILLED that your surgery went well and you got to keep all your parts. But it was still major surgery and took a lot out of you. So please don't kill yourself with the cookie baking, etc. Loved ones will understand if they don't get a batch of cookies from the Bean this year.

    Hugs to you and Mr. Bean,

    By Blogger niicelaady, at 12:02 AM  

  • thanks guys, I appreciate it!

    By Blogger The Bean, at 9:37 AM  

  • You SHOULD NOT be busy at all Bean. You were supposed to rest for FIVE days! You begged to doctor to allow you to go back to work.

    If I did not love you and wanted you to feel better, I would have killed you already.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:21 AM  

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