Please Keep Us in Your Thoughts . . .
As you know, Mr. Bean and I have been trying for adoption - well, we have an interview next week for two little girls. Please think of us on Wednesday, February 28, in the morning that the interview goes well and we can be on our way to becoming the parents we have always wanted to be.
All good thoughts, prayers or whatever you do would be much appreciated!
All good thoughts, prayers or whatever you do would be much appreciated!
your comment system sucks. i demand you get a new one, as well as a domain name.
much love to you guys. if i wasn't like, seven years younger than mark-whoever that is-you could adopt me without a meeting. seriously, i hope all goes well. you guys deserve it.www
Anonymous, at 5:48 PM
Good luck, Bean! Sending good thoughts for you and Mr. Bean that these two little ones will become your Beanie Babies!
Big hugs, NL
niicelaady, at 8:05 PM
Bean & Mr. Bean
I am so happy for you!
Just be yourselves...that love is gonna shine through to those girls.
I've got a very good feeling about this.
Tigger, at 2:14 AM
good luck and i hope you and mr. bean become parents soon.
Anonymous, at 12:28 PM
Wait a second...I was sitting right there on Saturn the other night (which looks remarkably like upstate NY) and you didn't say anything? I feel slighted!
Actually, I totally understand. Best of luck to you guys. You both totally deserve it!
eluper, at 9:33 AM
Hey Eric!
Honestly, we didn't know then - we found out Thursday - or we would have told you - we wouldn't have been able to shut up about it!
And to everyone else, thank you so much for your support - Mr. Bean and I truly appreciate it.
The meeting got moved to the afternoon on Wednesday so think of us then!
The Bean, at 3:49 PM
I'll definitely keep you guys in my thoughts on Wednesday. I hope it goes well. Can't wait to hear the good news!
Anonymous, at 12:02 PM
I am wearing black pants and a green sweater today. You might ask why and the answer is because I am also wearing my SaturnCast t-shirt, which just so happens to be black and green. This entire award-worthy ensemble is in honor of my thinking about you guys today.
Best of luck with this step of the process! You both so deserve it!
eluper, at 9:59 AM
It doesn't differ for me. Just I like to enjoy my time.
plastic surgery in iran, at 6:28 AM
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