"Rowdy Teenagers" - I'll take them over an old fogey anyday.
So yesterday, car broke down again (dead battery). I forgot my cell phone that day, of course. So I had to beg people to use theirs. This led to an interesting conclusion - younger people are nicer than older. Now, I'm in my early 30's, so I'm not going to sound like an old fuddy duddy - or maybe I am - but I really thought I would get help from someone I qualified as an "adult". Now, I didn't look like the dregs of society - I was on my way home from work so I was dressed in a suit - and I think I'm a pretty nice and happy-go-lucky person - no mean faces here. But every time I asked some "adult" to borrow a phone for a couple of minutes, I was met with a weird look and an excuse "oh my phone just died" (then why were you using it a couple of minutes ago - I saw you!), or "uh, I left my phone in the car" (oh? then what is that attached to your belt?). You know who helped me? A couple of "rowdy" teenage boys who had no problem letting me use their phone as long as I wanted and even waited with me for awhile. And when they left I had other "rasculy kids" ask me if I needed help. How many "adults" asked if I needed help? A big fat ZERO. So I think I'll stick with the "young 'uns" for now and the old fogeys can just help themselves.
And I'll never forget my cell phone again - Promise.
And I'll never forget my cell phone again - Promise.
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