The Loss of a Loved One
A friend of Mr. Bean and I just lost his "man's best friend" - Loki. Loki was a big lug of a dog who was as gentle and sweet as any dog could be. Loki loved well and was well loved. I know he will be missed.
Thinking about that loss made me realize how short time is with our furbabies. Our cat McKinley is 10 years old and Jefferson (aka J-Dog) is 9 years old. Time flies when you are having fun. And I couldn't imagine my life without them - but the reality is that will happen and who knows how long we have left with them.
So, remember, time is short, hug your furbabies every chance you get, and make their life special b/c they sure are special to your life.
Thinking about that loss made me realize how short time is with our furbabies. Our cat McKinley is 10 years old and Jefferson (aka J-Dog) is 9 years old. Time flies when you are having fun. And I couldn't imagine my life without them - but the reality is that will happen and who knows how long we have left with them.
So, remember, time is short, hug your furbabies every chance you get, and make their life special b/c they sure are special to your life.
Thanks for the kind words about Loki. My son, Ethan (age 5), is convinced he is in a better place because angels are really good at picking up dog poop. Great image, but I'm convinced it's the cherubs who pick up the poop.
eluper, at 5:04 PM
R.I.P., Loki. I am guessing from that name you are a husky or malamute? If so, your heaven probably has lots of snow to play in, and you only have to pull a sled when YOU feel like it.
Loving, loving LOVING that image of cherubs picking up dog poop. Is that how they earn their wings? All this time I thought it had something to do with being Jimmy Stewart's tour guide through a parallel universe ...
Sympathies for your loss, Eric, and thanks for the reminder to cherish the furbabies, Bean. Happy new year to all
niicelaady, at 11:14 PM
Loki was a black lab. Although he did not pull a sled through the snow, he did once drag a dumpster across a parking lot in North Jersey after I tied his leash to it to talk to my auto mechanic.
When I came outside he was sitting outside the door wagging his tail with a full size dumpster behind him blocking the driveway.
Anonymous, at 6:03 PM
Eric, that's absolutely hysterical! I can just see it in my mind - big ol' grin on Loki's face, probably no clue anything was even attached to him!
The Bean, at 5:48 AM
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