I am me.
Well, although I only got two comments on my last blog (thanks Tigger and Niicelady - love you!), it appears my last blog and my comments on Mr. Bean's last podcast at SATURNdiary have gotten people up in arms. Funnily enough, however, I don't get to hear it - no one leaves a comment, no one emails me at beansblog@gmail.com, nothing.
Instead, my poor husband, Mr. Bean has to take the wrath.
Two things on that. First, Mr. Bean one hundred percent disagrees with my position of not having my "real" name out there. If you listened to the podcast, you would know that. So why are you taking it out on him?
Second, it's my opinion only. I haven't outed anyone else's name except Mr. Bean's that one time, (and if I'm wrong on that, please let me know and I will apologize profusely); and I just shared my opinion on this issue. I have no problem if others disagree with me - you have every right to do so and I applaud you for that. But don't be mad if I shared mine.
And third and most important - know I feel very fortunate to be a part of the blogging and podcasting world, a part of the Freak Network and the fact that I want to be known as the Bean in no way reflects any adversity in either arena or that I'm ashamed of being a part of it. It is solely b/c (1) I love my name Bean; and (2) of work and the issues I discuss.
And that's all I'm going to say on the subject.
Instead, my poor husband, Mr. Bean has to take the wrath.
Two things on that. First, Mr. Bean one hundred percent disagrees with my position of not having my "real" name out there. If you listened to the podcast, you would know that. So why are you taking it out on him?
Second, it's my opinion only. I haven't outed anyone else's name except Mr. Bean's that one time, (and if I'm wrong on that, please let me know and I will apologize profusely); and I just shared my opinion on this issue. I have no problem if others disagree with me - you have every right to do so and I applaud you for that. But don't be mad if I shared mine.
And third and most important - know I feel very fortunate to be a part of the blogging and podcasting world, a part of the Freak Network and the fact that I want to be known as the Bean in no way reflects any adversity in either arena or that I'm ashamed of being a part of it. It is solely b/c (1) I love my name Bean; and (2) of work and the issues I discuss.
And that's all I'm going to say on the subject.
blah! it's your choice of what name you choose to go by in the saturan cast. it's amazing how many people got so upset. you're just protecting yourself because of your job and from other weridos that are out there. i can understand whole heartly of your intentions, bean. i continue to do the same thing, by going by the nickname i've been bestowed upon me when on the podcast.(even though there's been a few occasions when only my first name has been dropped.)
i scold my one friend that i work with about telling other people who i am with being mrs. pi. it's out of shame, it's because i don't want other people to know because of where i work. gotta keep that under the radar was much as possible. give it arrest people. sheesh!
Anonymous, at 10:03 PM
I'm not sure if I fully understand what is going on.. But, to me Your The Bean...
I think each person is a unique individual. If one choses to use a creative name... what does that matter.. I mean it would be better than calling all females "She" and all males "He"
Though I love the name Bean, I like You more because of Your pesonality.. Bean to me is a way to address You...
I'm not sure if I made any sense... but I tried...
think it is sweet that MrBean gave You that name and You cherish it.
Want me to kick some ass, I got some built up fustration ((grins))
Sin, at 11:13 PM
thanks Mrs. Pi and sin - I really appreciate it. Especially sin, when I know you are going through a lot of stuff on your own that you took the time to write - and know Mr. bean and I are send positive thoughts your way.
The Bean, at 7:20 AM
First off, I want to vent a bit that you and Christiaan outed me. I wanted to be known as Erik Luper and you called me Eric Luper.
I am devastated.
I also want to say that this "controversy" seems pointless to outsiders. The important part of a podcast or blog is the content--the opinions and the feelings expressed.
Who cares about the birth name, social secrity number or retinal pattern of the person behind it? Both you and Mr. Bean put out great content and that is what will keep people coming back.
It also seems to me that continually rehashing your feelings about this issue is simply proving to keep the issue alive.
I might understand this issue if either of you were being slanderous or libelous, but that is not the case here.
Or maybe I'm missing some facet of this argument. Keep doing what you're doing. People love it!
eluper, at 9:16 AM
Thank You Bean, it means alot to me..
Anonymous, at 3:16 PM
Sorry for "outing" you on Tigger's Blog. If I had known it would be this big of a deal I would have never done that!! Can ya ever forgive me?
Anonymous, at 12:45 AM
No prob Rebecca, I'm not mad - I just wanted my feelings known.
And don't worry Eric, oops, I mean Erik, I won't be bringing it up again - I have too many other things to gripe about! :)
The Bean, at 7:19 AM
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