Mr. Bean Hates My New Hair.

Well, today's post is going to be personal and probably boring (as you may think all of my posts are, quite frankly). But I'm a little bummed today because I wanted to do something a little different because of all that's going on lately.
I'm REALLY into changing my hair, especially when I'm sad about something. I've been brunette, blond (yes, Bob, I know I owe you a picture!), blonder, red head and almost black hair. I've had highlights, low lights, really long, really short, curly (YUK!), etc. Now, because of my "profession", I can't get as crazy as I want to be, which would be with burgundy or purple highlights. So yesterday, I continued with the REALLY dark hair; however, I made it REALLY short in the back with kind of a "shelf" look in the back. It looks kind of like the picture above but a bit shorter. And yes, I can hear you, why aren't you putting your own picture Bean? I promise I will this week, if I can figure it out - I'm a bit slow that way.
And I get home, all happy with my haircut and the first words out of Mr. Bean's mouth? "I hate it." Now granted, I know Mr. Bean is not a fan of short hair, but it's not THAT short; and it looks sexy and professional and it is on me - so for that alone, he should like it! And what is it with guys and loving long hair? Talk about annoying!
So your thoughts?
Mr. Bean hates everything AND lately, everyone! I'm sure it looks great!
Anonymous, at 9:00 AM
I'm the same way with my hair -- wild to mild -- and I also like to change stuff when I'm feeling bored, frustrated or sad. My hair was quite long (boob-level) and I had just gone through a sticky break-up (one that feels like it will never end) so I cut my hair very, very short. It was like I could only cry so much, but losing my hair made it feel so much better. And every time I just get my hair cut into a normal boring cut I hate it. Mr. Bean can kiss your butt (even though I like him), but it's your hair and I'm sure there are plenty of gross things you've had to learn to put up with living with a boy... remember how clean your toilet was before him? ;)
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM
i went on a crazy hair style change and color for about 2 years. mostly different ranges of short styles and various colors of blonde and red but kept it professional for work. at one time, i had it cut really short for summer. pi was taken back because it was such a surprise. he never said he hated it but teased me that all the lesbians would come after me. after summer passed, i just let it grow back. after that, pi said, "hunny, please don't ever get you hair cut that short ever again.". looking back, i thought that it was a bad style and agreed.
i think that mr. bean is just in shock and it's different to him, but he should have found something positive and been compliementive. i have to say that your new do is cute and yet not overly short. and yes, you need to post a picture.
Anonymous, at 8:54 PM
i think it looks excellent. I was searching for fellow Beans and stumbled onto this thread and your new hairdoo... 7 outta 10 but would have loved to see the red... J Bean
Jethro Bean, at 11:46 PM
Thanks everyone! I plan to post the picture tonight!
The Bean, at 5:16 AM
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