This is the WORST Easter EVER.
Well, after all that happened, all Mr. Bean and I had to look forward to was having the girls this weekend. Well, Friday, about an hour and a half before we were to pick up the girls, we were told the "powers-that-be" changed their mind and we could only have the girls on Easter, not Friday to Sunday night as previously planned. The reasoning was by an administrator who knows nothing about kids and decided it would put the girls' hopes up. This is stupid for several reasons. First, the girls know nothing about the situation yet. Second, they will now think we don't want them for the weekend. Third, what's the difference b/w us seeing them Sunday or the whole weekend -if they were worried about that, we shouldn't see them at all. Fourth, the girls are never going to trust anyone at this point with the last minutes changes. We fought it and lost.
But we were looking forward to Easter. We made easter baskets, set up an easter egg hunt, were going to color eggs and go out to Easter brunch in their brand new dresses I let them pick out last week.
Then, I get a call last night from their foster mom at about 7 p.m. They both have a viral infection and are pretty sick. So they can't come. So we were downsized from a whole weekend to one call to wish them a Happy Easter.
This Easter SUCKS.
But we were looking forward to Easter. We made easter baskets, set up an easter egg hunt, were going to color eggs and go out to Easter brunch in their brand new dresses I let them pick out last week.
Then, I get a call last night from their foster mom at about 7 p.m. They both have a viral infection and are pretty sick. So they can't come. So we were downsized from a whole weekend to one call to wish them a Happy Easter.
This Easter SUCKS.
Sin, at 11:47 AM
I'm not a violent person but that may have to change now!! Whose knees do we need to crack... Tell us Bean!!
It's amazing some of the decisions these people are making that are supposedly in the "best interest" of the children but meanwhile are making them MORE miserable.
Anonymous, at 4:41 PM
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