Bean's World

Monday, January 22, 2007

Kidneystonegate Update and Other Meanderings . . . .

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but things have been crazy with work, Mr. Bean's kidney stones, Mr. Bean's work, Mr. Bean's best friend in town, a wake and a lot of traveling.

The kidney stone still has not passed and is still causing Mr. Bean a lot of pain. Thankfully, he has a urologist appointment on Wednesday; so hopefully, they can do something for him.

Also, Mr. Bean got a new office and who gets to help clean it? Yep, me. Busted my knee helping out - that's how much I love the old bugger. Place looks pretty good though, if you ask me. You would think being emperor, someone else would do it for him. Also, his site got hacked into - he thinks it's pretty crappy that this happened. I, on the other hand, told him that it's a compliment that someone thought he and his website were special enough to be hacked into. Making lemonade out of lemons, I guess.

On another note, I hope people enjoy my blog - sometimes I think I'm just blathering on too much about nothing. I'm not used to talking about myself; and I seem to do a lot of that here. Some may like it, some not; but I just try to be honest on my thoughts - both good and bad.

On a final note, I'm down 81 pounds. Only 27 more to go!


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