This Too Shall Pass (or not!)
Well, Mr. Bean's kidney stone has still failed to pass. And he has been in agony since Saturday, even with the codeine. So I'm nervous, to say the least, because starting today, he can't use the codeine because he has to work. So if the pain is horrible with the codeine, how in the heck is he going to be able to function without it?
We talked about that on his podcast last night which you can get at Although I'm not on it usually, I was on it last night to yell at him for doing a podcast even with his issues and to help him get over it quicker so I could get him back into bed for his rest.
Everyone keep him in your thoughts that he gets rid of this 3 mm piece of hell!
We talked about that on his podcast last night which you can get at Although I'm not on it usually, I was on it last night to yell at him for doing a podcast even with his issues and to help him get over it quicker so I could get him back into bed for his rest.
Everyone keep him in your thoughts that he gets rid of this 3 mm piece of hell!
Unfortunately, Mr. Bean's agony is only going to end when nature allows.
Let Mr. Bean know that he should drink plenty of fluids. Increased fluids means increased urinary output. More flow...more likely the stone will exit.
As far as medication, Mr. Bean needs to keep his pain under control. Allowing yourself to experience extended periods of chronic pain is not healthy, and in the end, you may be doing yourself more harm than good.
As far as work goes, Mr. Bean may have to leave early, or miss days to keep his pain under control. Don't suffer needlessly.
Oh, by the way, Bean...I did listen to SaturnCast 23, and I need to ask you a question.
Who's this "Mark" guy you kept calling Christiaan?
Sounded as if you were very comfortable with the name Mark.
Is the Bean getting some side action?
Luv yuz
Tigz .:.
Anonymous, at 4:02 AM
No one for side action - Christiaan is all I can handle for that.
When I first met Christiaan in law school, he went by the name Mark b/c he was afraid he wouldn't get his studies done b/c everyone would be in such awe of having such a famous, brilliant, old person in their midst. You would have thought he would have known better by then, though, as no one knew who Christiaan was, and really didn't care. In fact, the only scientist they really cared about was that bastard Sir Isaac Newton which drove Christiaan crazy - one of the many reasons Christiaan went to Saturn - it was the straw that broke the camel's back, per se.
Anonymous, at 8:22 AM
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