A Whale of a Vacation.

Well, we all take family vacations. I enjoy Disney, Europe, the Caribbean - and actually my favorite place in the world is my annual jaunt to the Adirondacks to commune with nature and just relax.
It's my favorite thing to do and it's the same for a lot of other people as well.
And I guess whales like vacations too. Momma and Baby whale have decided they are sick of the ocean and wanted to visit of all places - Sacramento?
Granted, Mr. Bean has always wanted to go to Sacramento because he loves capitals of states and likes to visit the governmental buildings - but for most of us - BORING!
Why didn't they go to Hawaii? Or Santa Barbara? Heck, even Portland, Oregon would have been more interesting.
Maybe Momma Whale wanted to teach a history lesson to Baby Whale. That's something Mr. Bean would do. Reminds me of those summer vacations where my parents would take us to one fun place and one "educational" place so our brains don't totally melt during the summer break. Yuk, I hated the educational part. I bet Mr. Bean loved it.
So, Momma, good job on teaching Baby the intricacies of California government, say hello to Governor Schwarzenegger (but teach him Republicans are BAD); and I hope you make it back safely home.
hopefully the coast guard will be idlely watching mom and baby whales to ensure their safety.
Anonymous, at 10:09 AM
Maybe Mama Whale was going to tech Baby Whale a Bible lesson, you know, Jona and the Whale. Maybe she was looking for the Governor.
Andy Melton, at 8:06 PM
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