Last Days . . .
As I'm finishing my last day of work for three months (I will be starting maternity leave on Monday), it makes me realize I'm starting a lot of "last days" as I get ready to give birth to Mr. Bean and my first-born on Tuesday, February 5:
1. last days of no responsibilities other than to me and him;
2. last days of doing whatever I want without worrying about a little one;
3. last days of sleeping when I want;
4. last days of watching tv whenever I want;
5. last days of eating when I want;
6. last days of not being a mom;
7. last days of not caring if the house is kept up;
8. last days of not caring if there's enough food in the house;
9. last days of worrying only about my own bathroom habits;
10. last days of worrying only that I'm clean.
Any other last days I should be celebrating? Come on parents, help me out here!
1. last days of no responsibilities other than to me and him;
2. last days of doing whatever I want without worrying about a little one;
3. last days of sleeping when I want;
4. last days of watching tv whenever I want;
5. last days of eating when I want;
6. last days of not being a mom;
7. last days of not caring if the house is kept up;
8. last days of not caring if there's enough food in the house;
9. last days of worrying only about my own bathroom habits;
10. last days of worrying only that I'm clean.
Any other last days I should be celebrating? Come on parents, help me out here!
i'm not a parent, but there's a 12 year gap between me and my sister so here's my take.
last days of silence;
last days of less expenses;
last days of no stinky diapers.
that's all i can come up with.
Anonymous, at 12:48 PM
Here's one: the last days of a tiny cry not inhabiting a very special part of your heart.
Best of luck. I'm very happy for all three of you.
eluper, at 6:05 PM
here's some more
1. last days of showering alone without interruption
2. last days of carrying only a credit card, driver's license and some cash - now it wil be bags of stuff
3. last days of not having someone to carry on the family name
4. last days of not having a piece of me going on in the world.
thanks all!
The Bean, at 6:28 PM
The last days of not truely understanding the capacity of love. It will amaze you. You will mess up. He wont care. He will only love you both. After he is here..never forget to take the time in the craziness to stop and watch and breath in all the love you are now giving the world. Watch him..cry..scream..laugh.. and love every second you can of it! Im so happy for you both that I cant express it properly. You both deserve this love.
Love you guys!
Anonymous, at 8:08 PM
Last dayz... ummm well, I can't think of any at this moment in time... but it is the first day of truly watching a beautiful child grow before Your eyez! You have already felt the child, You already love the child.. but to hold the child and see the child to grow.. well words can not describe the emotions!
Lots of love Bean!
Anonymous, at 12:36 AM
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