One of my biggest fears.

The reason I didn't write about it though, I must admit, was not for those who suffered. It was for myself. Because those events of that day brought up one of my biggest fears which I have been trying to conquer for years.
I fear and loathe driving over big and tall bridges.
Living where I do, and traveling for my work as much as I do, I have to drive over some VERY tall and VERY long bridges quite often. I hate it each and every time. And when traffic causes me to be stopped on them for awhile, I fight the strong urge to jump out of my car and run for the nearest end. I feel every sway and bounce. I'm afraid someone is going to hit me and cause me to go over the side because I don't think the walls are high enough. I make sure my window is open in case I do go in, so I have a chance at getting out. If I'm driving, I refuse to look over the sides. If Mr. Bean is driving, I won't let him look at the view, make him drive in the middle lane and yell at him if he is speeding. It is all encompassing, and I can't breathe until we are over it.
And, now, as a result of this horrific event and the long needed inspection and review of all national bridges showing that similar problems exist all over, I feel my fears are justified. So I'm really scared of the next time having to go over one of these bridges, knowing what I know about what happened. And God forbid if there is a traffic jam. Just writing about this is making my heart beat fast and my breath shallow.
I am truly saddened and sorry for those who suffered from this tragic event. I also wish though, that I never heard about this happening.
OK OK This fear we have in common. I always thought I was weird for it. I freeze on bridges and I hate I have a real reason to now. I almost had a very bad panic attack taking a wrong turn on the Jersey turnpike and I went over George Washington Bridge..I cried like a baby!!! From now on I will think of huggin you over a bridge!
Anonymous, at 1:27 AM
You are definitely not weird for it - especially now that it seems to be a reality! And I really hate the George Washington bridge too! That's one of the bridges I was actually talking about - I have to drive over it a lot. I'll think of hugging you too!
love, Bean
The Bean, at 4:19 AM
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