Yes, I'm One of the 1.2 Million . . .
who bought the latest Harry Potter book this weekend. I have the previous six (except for the first which was loaned to a now "former" friend who has not returned it) and have read them all. And I'm currently on page 350 of the 7th.
But to be honest, I wish I hadn't started reading it yet. I wanted to savor it, look at the cover and anticipate reading it when I felt the time was right. Yes, I'm one of those people. I like to keep birthday and christmas presents in their boxes for as long as I can before I use the item. I like to savor it. I like to keep the newness of it. It drives Mr. Bean crazy b/c he wants to use the new item asap. And it drives him even more crazy if it's something he gave me. He just doesn't get it that, for me, part of the fun of the new item is to keep it nice and new for awhile. For example, I got an awesome purse from my SIL Christmas 2005 that I just started using January 2007. I got a great WDW bag in October 2006 that I haven't used yet. The longer I wait to use an item, the more it shows I like it.
An even better example for this topic is the 6th Book of Harry Potter. I bought it the first day it was being sold in 2005. When did I read it? A couple of weeks ago on my Adirondack vacation - and yes I loved it.
So, here I am reading a book I really didn't want to read right now and wanted to savor having the new book first. And it frustrates me - don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it immensely; but I really wanted to savor the anticipation of using it. But b/c of reviews and spoilers, etc., I'm too afraid NOT to read it b/c I don't want to find out what happens without reading it myself.
So thanks to those of you who are attempting to ruin the books for others. I'm now being forced to read a book I wanted to savor until at least 2009.
But to be honest, I wish I hadn't started reading it yet. I wanted to savor it, look at the cover and anticipate reading it when I felt the time was right. Yes, I'm one of those people. I like to keep birthday and christmas presents in their boxes for as long as I can before I use the item. I like to savor it. I like to keep the newness of it. It drives Mr. Bean crazy b/c he wants to use the new item asap. And it drives him even more crazy if it's something he gave me. He just doesn't get it that, for me, part of the fun of the new item is to keep it nice and new for awhile. For example, I got an awesome purse from my SIL Christmas 2005 that I just started using January 2007. I got a great WDW bag in October 2006 that I haven't used yet. The longer I wait to use an item, the more it shows I like it.
An even better example for this topic is the 6th Book of Harry Potter. I bought it the first day it was being sold in 2005. When did I read it? A couple of weeks ago on my Adirondack vacation - and yes I loved it.
So, here I am reading a book I really didn't want to read right now and wanted to savor having the new book first. And it frustrates me - don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it immensely; but I really wanted to savor the anticipation of using it. But b/c of reviews and spoilers, etc., I'm too afraid NOT to read it b/c I don't want to find out what happens without reading it myself.
So thanks to those of you who are attempting to ruin the books for others. I'm now being forced to read a book I wanted to savor until at least 2009.
slow down! i'm only 250 pages in.
Unknown, at 4:42 PM
i'm a new fan of the bean.
i do have all books of harry potter and haven't read a page in any of the books.
i bought my lord of the rings books two or three years ago and just read them 6 months ago.
and with books only i do this. i don't know why.
so far enjoying your blogs.
Unknown, at 5:45 PM
i'm only on book 4(Goblet of Fire), i believe i'm chapter 31(about the three task). i started reading the books late fall of last year. i've been borrowing them from my coworker/friend. i'll read them and then borrow the movies from her. reading the books certainly does help understand the movies a lot better. pi and i will watch them and i'll fill him in on all the details that are left out or altered.
i do have the last book and i have not opened it. i'm waiting and continuing along with the other books. i am excited and anxious to know what's going to happen in the finale installment, but i'm willing to wait.
Anonymous, at 9:42 PM
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