Justice being served?

I'm not going to get into the whole Paris debacle other than to make one big comparison. As the entire world knows (unless you have been living under a rock - or the middle east), Paris is in for 45 days, five already served, for (a) driving drunk; and (b) getting busted for driving on a suspended license not once but twice.
Let's consider a different case. A single mom of two teens, in admittedly poor judgment, bought beer and wine for her kids and their friends if they (a) spent the night; and (b) did not drive anywhere. They all did as she asked; and in fact, all kids had breathalyzer tests taken and none were even found intoxicated. Now I don't agree with the mom at all; but can understand her reasoning - if they don't do it here where I know they are safe, they will do it somewhere else and not be safe.
And how much time did the single mom get? Twenty-seven months - yep 2 years, and three months.
Someone drives a car while impaired which could kill someone but for the Grace of whomever - 45 days. Mom, although using bad judgment in how she did it, trying to stop drinking and driving - 820 days.
And it's not just ruining her life - it's ruining her kids - one of whom has already quit school and is working full-time to support her for when she gets out.
Good job government - once again doing a stellar job.
Bean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there is a misconception going on.
Everyone is talking about how Paris went to jail for DUI, but I believe she technically went to jail for driving on a suspended license.
In fact, it's my understanding that she went to jail because she ignored the suspended license three times!
Her sentence has nothing to do with the DUI aside from it being the original cause of the suspended license.
Maybe I'm wrong on that.
I can't comment on the other lady you speak of. I'm no lawyer; but I think prison is the appropriate place for Paris, someone who has utter disregard for the legal system.
In fact, I think this disregard is magnified by the fact that she knows that the papparazzi is following her around 24/7. How could she think she wouldn't get caught?
Mommy's money can't buy you out of this one, Paris!!! Ta ta!
I wonder who is going to ghost write her multi-million dollar book deal?
eluper, at 2:09 PM
i started drinking illegaly in my mid-teens. at home during the major holidays and at other people's homes that knew about it and didn't allow anyone to drive.
i was always responsible about it when i was underage because i didn't want to get in trouble, let alone get people that are of age in trouble.
i think it's a bit harsh for the sentencing of the mother. i feel bad for her kids because they have to take care of themselves, especially the oldest. he's giving up everything to pay the bills and provide food on the table. i have to ask, are there any living relatives that can help?? will the oldest go back to continuing his education after the mother comes home from serving her time?
Anonymous, at 9:19 PM
eluper, you are exactly right - Paris got probation and a suspended license for the dui and got the jail time for violating parole by driving on the suspended license twice. my thoughts are she should have gotten jail time for the dui - so I wasn't upset she violated parole b/c I knew she would be going in.
now we'll have to see what happens to Nicole Richie . . .
The Bean, at 4:06 AM
I had a very interesting conversation about the whole Paris mess.
My psychiatrist feels that Paris has been wronged and that she is somehow facing a harsher sentence because the public has turned on her. He further stated that most of us (average folks) are envious of her lifestyle...and that we secretly derive pleasure from seeing her suffer.
I agree with him on some points....Paris really turned her nose up to the law and there needs to be consequences for that.
Well everything is all better now....Paris has found Jesus.
Tigger, at 2:09 AM
The reason Paris could threaten lives and get a (relative) slap on the wrist and the other woman got a heavy duty sentence is because Paris could afford a decent attorney.
Nobilis Reed, at 7:45 PM
I taught my daughter, Lily to say: Poor, poor Paris. She's in the slammer. Now I just have to record it for the SaturnCast!
By the way, I've tagged you for a little blog project:
eluper, at 12:15 PM
That's hysterical Eric! I can't wait to hear it!
The Bean, at 6:43 AM
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