Bean's World

Friday, June 22, 2007

I apologize in advance!

Sorry to all but I got sucked into this by Eric Luper. We can all thank him later.

Here are the rules: Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

So here are mine:

1. Over the years, I have been blond, brunette, a redhead and now I have almost black hair. If I could get away with it in my profession, I would LOVE burgundy or purple hair.

2. I was a french major in college and lived six months in France during my junior year for my spring semester, living in Toulon, France. During that time, I traveled all over France, Italy and Greece. Other than marrying Mr. Bean, it was the happiest time of my life; and I cried when I left.

3. All my life growing up, I wanted to be a teacher. My dad was an attorney and there was no way in heck I was going to be one. Well, I student taught and HATED IT! So I had to change all plans, and here I am an attorney. Dad is so proud.

4. I hate cucumbers, bananas and watermelon b/c of their taste and lemons, grapefruit, oranges, grapes, raisins and cherries b/c of their texture.

5. I graduated from college in three and a 1/2 years, and student taught before law school which confirmed my opinion that I was not cut out to be a teacher.

6. I have been west of the Mississippi only three times in my life - twice to Chicago (one trip included Wisconsin) and once to Phoenix. However, I have been to the countries of England, France, Monte Carlo, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, The Netherlands, Venezuala and to the Caribbean several times.

7. I am becoming like my grandmother where I can't sleep past 5 am but am asleep by 9 pm.

8. I hate water with a passion (I hate the taste); but I force myself to drink three (3) 20 oz. bottles of it a day - which I started on 8/1/2006 when I started my diet, which helped me lose 110 pounds.

Alright, now the suckers who I'm going to tag:

1. Niicelady at:
2. Mrs. Pi at:
3. PizzaBabe at:
4. Tigger at:
5. AJ at:
6. SBA at:
7. Andy Melton at:
8. Rebecca at:


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