Giving Back the Love.
Mr. Bean turned me on to the blogging and podcasting world. In that world, I have received a lot of love from people. As a result, I want to return the favor and tell you the blogs and podcasts (in no particular order) which I really love to read and listen to - do yourself a favor and check them out!
1. Mrs. Pi's Page - at
She talks about her life and really tells it like it is.
2. Niicelady - at
Another great lady who dishes about life and tells her perspective on things.
3. Eric - at
This guy has a book coming out this year; and I'm going to be able to say I knew him back when. Great sense of humor with a lot of sarcasm.
1. Mr. Bean - at
Of course I'm going to mention Christiaan Huygens - who created calculus and wristwatches and located the moon Titus around Saturn where he now lives.
2. Tigger at
I can really relate to Tigger as he talks about memories growing up, which I can relate to as we grew up around the same time and has funny and inspired opinions about a lot of things in life.
3. A.J. at
Another great guy who has a lot to say and really keeps me entertained.
4. PizzaBabe and Bob at
Although I don't think the feeling is mutual, I do love listening to their discussions about life and love; and they have great music too.
5. Rebecca Nay at
I think she is FABULOUS! She just had a operation to become who she truly is and even was brave enough to share the experience with us. I have utmost respect for this woman.
6. Andy Melton at
He's an absolute sweetheart and has helped us out on many an occasion.
7. TV Guide at
If you are a tv junkie, this is the site for you!
8. Madge Weinstein at
Another woman who has no problem saying what she feels and will kick your ass if she doesn't like you.
Well, that's all I can think of for now - Enjoy!
1. Mrs. Pi's Page - at
She talks about her life and really tells it like it is.
2. Niicelady - at
Another great lady who dishes about life and tells her perspective on things.
3. Eric - at
This guy has a book coming out this year; and I'm going to be able to say I knew him back when. Great sense of humor with a lot of sarcasm.
1. Mr. Bean - at
Of course I'm going to mention Christiaan Huygens - who created calculus and wristwatches and located the moon Titus around Saturn where he now lives.
2. Tigger at
I can really relate to Tigger as he talks about memories growing up, which I can relate to as we grew up around the same time and has funny and inspired opinions about a lot of things in life.
3. A.J. at
Another great guy who has a lot to say and really keeps me entertained.
4. PizzaBabe and Bob at
Although I don't think the feeling is mutual, I do love listening to their discussions about life and love; and they have great music too.
5. Rebecca Nay at
I think she is FABULOUS! She just had a operation to become who she truly is and even was brave enough to share the experience with us. I have utmost respect for this woman.
6. Andy Melton at
He's an absolute sweetheart and has helped us out on many an occasion.
7. TV Guide at
If you are a tv junkie, this is the site for you!
8. Madge Weinstein at
Another woman who has no problem saying what she feels and will kick your ass if she doesn't like you.
Well, that's all I can think of for now - Enjoy!
Thanks for the mention...but sarcasm? I'm not sarcastic (I say as I roll my eyes)! But seriously, thanks.
Oh and feel free to use my full name. It's going to be on the front of my book!
Anonymous, at 12:43 PM
Hey Eric, I know, but I just didn't want to assume anything as I hadn't talked to you about the mention. Mr. Bean really wants to get together with you for a podcast - hopefully we'll see you soon!
Anonymous, at 4:59 PM
Bean your FABULOUS & FIERCE Honey!
Thanks for the love!
Thanks for listening
higherthings871, at 6:30 PM
anytime, anyplace AJ!
Anonymous, at 8:23 PM
Oh Bean,
I think we have nothing but love for you hun or we wouldnt talk about you on every podcast! From your cookies to looking for dates to your smart wit I do enjoy you too. Maybe we have been missing the boat here..time for a PizzaBabe and Bean podcast!
Anonymous, at 9:40 AM
Great lady? Moi? Stop it, you'll turn my head -- and I'll start puking pea soup and spewing obscenities. ;-)
Seriously, thanks for the shout-out. You rock!
We do have to meet in person one of these days. I am just up the road.
niicelaady, at 10:27 AM
Hey Pizza and NL,
Of course I love you guys! I wouldn't have said so if I didn't.
And a PB and Bean show sounds lovely PizzaBabe!
Anonymous, at 12:28 PM
I'd also suggest as a great site for TV junkies. I know you're familiar with it. Can't get behind because I work for a competitor. ;-)
niicelaady, at 7:29 PM
I think I am going to get sick from all the sweetness in here. . .
Anonymous, at 9:06 PM
Bean Bean Bean...thanks for the love. We love you too. Although most of us are big geeks, we still can be very lovable.
Remember what I told got hooked.
Tigz .:.
Anonymous, at 4:26 AM
I like television without pity, NL; but I think of that more as a community board - I could do a whole blog on those!
Tigger, I am getting hooked - I didn't realize the Podcasting World was run by a Borg!
And I forgot one more podcast that I can't believe I forgot and I wholeheartedly apologize:
ZillaFag at
Another amazing person with an amazing sense of humor!
Anonymous, at 1:59 PM
OMG and another one I forgot and Mr. Bean and I MET him and he's a sweetheart - I'm sorry Gay Expat, pls know i love you and your podcast!
Anonymous, at 2:02 PM
Thanks for the love! You all have done so much for me and still are. I'm truly blessed to have such great friends. Thank you. Hope you are well. Enjoy hearing you on Christiaan's podcast.
Anonymous, at 1:17 AM
Thanks for the love! You all have done so much for me and still are. I'm truly blessed to have such great friends. Thank you. Hope you are well. Enjoy hearing you on Christiaan's podcast.
Anonymous, at 1:17 AM
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