She's a SuperFreak, SUPERFREAK! She's superfreaky . . .
Well, maybe not SUPER, per se; but I'm very happy to announce that I am a new member of The Freak Network. I am honored that Pizzababe and Bob have asked me to be a part of it; and I will always appreciate it. Make sure to check the site out as there are many, many, MANY wonderful podcasts and blogs that make up The Freak Network and will give many hours of listening and viewing pleasure. Thank you Pizzababe and Bob!
On another note, Mr. Bean and I got into an argument Saturday morning; and once again, I want to take a poll to see if he was right or if I was correct. You see, Mr. Bean had been having a tough week sleeping, I think because of his kidney stone. So Saturday came, and I got up at about 7 a.m. because, unfortunately, I don't seem to sleep late anymore. Mr. Bean on the other hand, slept and slept and slept and it became noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m., finally at 3:30 p.m., I decided to go check on him to make sure he wasn't dead. I wasn't going to wake him up, because I assumed he really needed the sleep or he wouldn't be sleeping this long, I just wanted to make sure he was okay.
I peaked into the room and he opened his eyes. "Hey sleephead!" I said. "I just wanted to make sure you were alive; but you sleep as long as you want, you obviously needed it."
Mr. Bean said, "What time is it?"
"3:30 p.m."
"WHAT ?!?!?!?!"
So the rest of the day, Mr. Bean said I ruined his day and it was all my fault because I should have woken him up as he lost a day. I said (1) I have never woken you up before; (2) you have slept to noon or 1 p.m. before and I still haven't woken you up; (3) I don't wake you up as my mom does that to my poor hardworking dad and I think it's unfair and you always say how much you hate that she does that; (4) I'm not your mother so take care of yourself; and (5) You didn't sleep well for a week so I thought you needed the rest.
In counterpoint, he simply repeats that I ruined his day and it's all my fault. (Mr. Bean, if you want to post a comment if you don't think I'm saying your side well enough, feel free).
So subscribers - who is right? Was I correct in letting him sleep; or was Mr. Bean correct in that I should have woken him up earlier? Please post comments below!
Happy Monday (blech!)
On another note, Mr. Bean and I got into an argument Saturday morning; and once again, I want to take a poll to see if he was right or if I was correct. You see, Mr. Bean had been having a tough week sleeping, I think because of his kidney stone. So Saturday came, and I got up at about 7 a.m. because, unfortunately, I don't seem to sleep late anymore. Mr. Bean on the other hand, slept and slept and slept and it became noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m., finally at 3:30 p.m., I decided to go check on him to make sure he wasn't dead. I wasn't going to wake him up, because I assumed he really needed the sleep or he wouldn't be sleeping this long, I just wanted to make sure he was okay.
I peaked into the room and he opened his eyes. "Hey sleephead!" I said. "I just wanted to make sure you were alive; but you sleep as long as you want, you obviously needed it."
Mr. Bean said, "What time is it?"
"3:30 p.m."
"WHAT ?!?!?!?!"
So the rest of the day, Mr. Bean said I ruined his day and it was all my fault because I should have woken him up as he lost a day. I said (1) I have never woken you up before; (2) you have slept to noon or 1 p.m. before and I still haven't woken you up; (3) I don't wake you up as my mom does that to my poor hardworking dad and I think it's unfair and you always say how much you hate that she does that; (4) I'm not your mother so take care of yourself; and (5) You didn't sleep well for a week so I thought you needed the rest.
In counterpoint, he simply repeats that I ruined his day and it's all my fault. (Mr. Bean, if you want to post a comment if you don't think I'm saying your side well enough, feel free).
So subscribers - who is right? Was I correct in letting him sleep; or was Mr. Bean correct in that I should have woken him up earlier? Please post comments below!
Happy Monday (blech!)
Nope you win this one.
You waited till after the noon hour.
You didnt wake him by throwing ice water on him.
now #4 was just silly..of course you are his mother and he is is your baby now so yes you do have to take care of him.
Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
I'm not sure if there are any lawyers around here, but I think it would only be fair to reserve my opinion until after I hear both sides of the story...
Anonymous, at 1:24 PM
Thanks David - and yes, Eric, I totally understand; that is why I told Mr. Bean to write his rendition of events. :)
Anonymous, at 1:25 PM
and as a point of clarification, Mr. Bean wanted me to wake him up earlier than 3:30 and my intent was that, as an adult, he would get himself up when he was good and ready as we had nothing planned for the day.
Anonymous, at 1:27 PM
You ruined his day? I totally disagree. If he doesn't want to sleep that late, then why doesn't he set an alarm?! I believe the Bean is the winner of this case.
I hope Mr.Bean gets better soon and doesn't fire me for siding with you! Oh wait, what's he going to do? I'm in space!
Anonymous, at 8:49 PM
As much as I love Mr. Bean...honey your in the right on this one!
higherthings871, at 10:57 PM
Poor Mr. Bean's kidney-stoned body was telling him he needed that much sleep, and we penised persons tend to get a little grouchy when we can't conquer nature and run the world on our own terms.
Anonymous, at 3:41 AM
I'll say only this: People get REALLY sleepy when the kidneys shut down...either because of the pain upon urination, or because of a medical emergency. Did you check for cankles or a gunt? Of course, it's his own fault for sleeping so late and depriving you of his wonderful (awake) wit. I abstain from judging.
Anonymous, at 10:52 PM
I nominate Special Delivery Mark for Congress.
And Eric Luper would make an excellent judge.
The rest of you are kool-aid drinkers. . .
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM
Please note that, although Mr. Bean felt the need to make derogatory comments, he did not provide a version different than my own.
I think that alone speaks volumes.
Love you Mr. Bean!
Anonymous, at 6:07 AM
Argh! Don't make me choose between my favorite blogger and my favorite podcaster!
That said, Bean is right. Mr. Bean needed his rest. As SD Mark points out, medical issues take a toll on the body that one may not recognize ("Hey, I feel good today! Let's take on the world!") until Collapse Time comes. This was your Collapse Time, Mr. Bean. You needed it.
Of course, this is coming from the one who thought Mrs. Bean was nuts nuts NUTS going back to work so soon after HER surgery.
Hope you are both better and that Mr. Stone goes away SOON, if he hasn't already.
Hugs, NL
niicelaady, at 11:54 PM
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