Bean's World

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Why do Criminals get Paid Vacations?

So, recently our local bishop decided that he was not going to request that the Vatican defrock priests in his diocese who sexually abused children. Instead, he was simply not going to let them "work" by disallowing them to say mass, etc. But they will get their pension and paychecks. For the rest of their lives.

Sounds like a paid vacation to me.

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but shouldn't only those who do good deeds and do their job morally and accurately be rewarded with paid time off? How is someone going to learn their lesson that something is wrong when their "punishment" is to have all this free time to do what they want, including travel, etc., on the dime of their employer? They're lucky they aren't in jail; and now they get a free pass. But, as the Bishop said, I'm sure they've been through enough. Do the victims get vacation paid by the Church too? While I have to work every year for the next 30 or so years with about 2 weeks off a year for vacation, they can take a trip to the Caribbean - laughing all of the way. Justice at its finest. Well, hopefully their final trip will be somewhere I really don't want to go.

Do you think if I steal a stapler here at work I can get lucky with such a "punishment"?


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