"This one goes out to the Ones I love . . . "
Well, just got back from a weekend at home - met the new nephew and saw my sweetheart niece. It was a fun time and makes me realize how much I miss my hometown and really wished I lived there. But it also made me realize that although I sometimes slip and call it "home" - it really isn't. My home is with my hubby Mr. Bean and my furbabies, and I was really glad to get back to my home. My home with my immediate family is comfortable. Not that my home with my parents isn't, it's just not my home any longer. And that's a good thing - especially since my niece has taken over my old bedroom! :)
On another note, I want to say a word about my hubby, Mr. Bean's fish, Burgoyne. Unfortunately, after a long hard struggle these past couple of days, she passed away this morning. It truly broke my heart; and although she had only been with us for 6 weeks, she seemed like family. Burgoyne was a compromise between my hubby and I because he wanted a huge aquarium and I wanted no fish at all. In fact, my name for Burgoyne was "DAF", short for "Dumb ass fish". I did love the little son of a gun and I will miss her. Here's to you Burgoyne - I hope there is a goldfish pond in heaven just waiting for you.
On another note, I want to say a word about my hubby, Mr. Bean's fish, Burgoyne. Unfortunately, after a long hard struggle these past couple of days, she passed away this morning. It truly broke my heart; and although she had only been with us for 6 weeks, she seemed like family. Burgoyne was a compromise between my hubby and I because he wanted a huge aquarium and I wanted no fish at all. In fact, my name for Burgoyne was "DAF", short for "Dumb ass fish". I did love the little son of a gun and I will miss her. Here's to you Burgoyne - I hope there is a goldfish pond in heaven just waiting for you.
Sorry about Burgoyne, Bean. There is most definitely a goldfish pond in heaven. I know two cats who are watching him swim around in it as we speak. They won't hurt him, though; it's heaven!
Speaking of which, please pray for my little girl Rozita. She escaped this morning while I was letting one of the other cats in. She has never been outside and is very skittish. I'm freaking out a little at the thought she might not make it back, even though I know those two kitties I mentioned above are experienced guardian angels.
niicelaady, at 6:42 PM
Addendum to my previous comment: Rozita is back and she's OK. Her friend Speshul Ed is thrilled (she is his favorite playmate), and so am I. Furbabies rule!
niicelaady, at 9:22 PM
I'm so happy to hear that Niicelady - it's very scary when a loved one goes missing - we had that happen once with Jefferson and I almost had a heartattack. Give Rozita a hug, kiss and a welcome back for me.
The Bean, at 8:29 AM
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