Why Do People Act Like this Stupid Day is a Holiday?

God I hate the superbowl. Well, I just hate football - period. But I really hate how the Superbowl is blown out of proportion - like it's a freaking holiday or something.
What are you eating?
Are you having a party?
Are you going to a party?
Who the hell cares?
I mean, it's on a Sunday night, which means you are stuck going to work the next morning; so how much partying do you really want to do anyway?
And the half times aren't even good anymore since the Timberlake Nipplegate. Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney and now Prince? All old fogies and someone this year who really is the example of football - yeah right. Don't get me wrong, I love the old Prince songs but not so much the new.
Even the commercials aren't as funny anymore.
So, except for the fact that I'm making fun appetizers because I want an excuse for goodies - this day is just another day.
And I could give a rat's ass who wins.
I'll be over at the Animal Planet watching Puppy Bowl III instead. Ruff!
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