I swear work is killing me . . . .
So, as you know, I haven't written in awhile. And truthfully, it's because I just don't have time. You see, there is a coworker here who is not pulling his/her weight any longer, calling in "sick" a lot, not getting work done, etc. As a result, as he/she partially works for me, my work is not getting complete and I have to do his/her job in addition to my own. So, I've been working weekends, nights, extra hours, waking up in the middle of the night at 2 am freaked out about work and going into work at that time because I just can't sleep knowing what I have to do, things like that. I'm really ready to go over the edge I'm so exhausted. And it stinks, because I really love my job and really like who I work for which is SUCH a change from my old gig; so it bothers me that I'm really getting so stressed out. And I can't go to the boss about the work b/c (a) he/she already knows about the problems with the coworker; and (b) there would be no one else to do my extra work as we are a really small office and we're all busy - so it's especially hard when one person doesn't do their job.
So, that's me, Ms. Whiney McWhine just sharing my stress. You can now go back to your regularly scheduled program.
So, that's me, Ms. Whiney McWhine just sharing my stress. You can now go back to your regularly scheduled program.