Well, you must be shocked - two posts in three days. How unlike the Bean. She only posts once in a Millenium, it seems. And only about depressing stuff.
Well, something so huge in the news has brought me out of my shell and feeling the need to blog up a storm.
Is it about the war in Iraq, Bean? NOPE.
Is it about famine in Africa that American Idol has so kindly brought to our attention? Sorry, it ain't.
Okay, then it MUST be about the Va. Tech shootings. Wrong again and I already blogged about that - weren't you paying attention?
So here is the amazing, breaking news that has brought me back to the blog world: (insert important typing newslike sounds here)

I know, I know - it may not seem as important to some - but to those of us who are comic books and superhero GEEKS, like me, THIS . . . IS . . . HUGE.
Because if kryptonite exists, whose to say that superheroes can't exist either?
Yes, there are our everyday, everyman superheroes - but those aren't who I'm talking about. I'm talking about heroes with superpowers - is there a Superman? Wonder Woman? Flash Gordon? Captain America?
I say there are. And now, because of what was found in Serbia, I'm one step closer to finding out who they are.
And, in this day and age, and what has been going on lately in my life, I need to think that.
So thanks to the scientist who located something for me to help with my belief and brighten my day.
I just wish it had been green.