There has been a lot of speculation, arguments, etc. about how people who use characters should, in a way, expect people to either not take them seriously, that they are not "real" in their blogging/podcasts or that they can be made fun of, mocked, whatever you want to call it. And it also appears to be a sport to "out" the person with their real name; and essentially being told that if they don't use their real name then, they must not be serious. I, for one, have been used as an example.
I don't fault these people for thinking that way; and I harbor no hard feelings and still love them. However, I think they misunderstand me. And I cite two specific reasons why.
First, I consider Bean my name. No, it's not my official, on my birth certificate name. It's even more important to me because it's a nickname my husband gave me when we first started dating more than 12 years ago. In fact, if he calls me anything other than Bean, it sounds weird to me; and I don't like it. Do other people call me this? No; and in fact, not many even know I have that name. It's Mr. Bean's name for me - and I love that he chose it for me and it holds a special place in my heart. So, by using that name here, it's an homage to him - AND IT'S A NAME I CONSIDER REAL TO ME.
Second, I use Bean and not my "official birth certificate" name because I talk about things here that I do not want getting out - especially because of the profession I am in; and because of the issues I discuss. I would never have been able to talk about the adoption if I had to use my real name because, although we didn't give out specific information, if our real names were used, things may have been able to get back to people we don't want it to - and in fact, it could hurt us. And professionally, although I say nothing bad about them (and I wouldn't b/c I love the people I work with), I'm not really in the profession that looks highly on doing things like this. And hence, not my "real" name.
So I don't think I should be looked down upon for it; and I make no excuses because I have nothing to make excuses for. If you choose to believe it's not the "real" me because of the name, honestly it's your loss and those who do know me in real life and who I trust to tell about this site know in fact it is the REAL me.
And for those who I've entrusted with my "real" name in other avenues, please don't "out" me on other sites. I trusted you with the information and feel that this was done without my permission. I have not done so myself and was surprised to see it done by others.
That being said, I sincerely hope you all will still enjoy my blatherings; and I will try to get back to less serious, more beanie-like things. Thanks!